Friday, April 5, 2013

etsy fridays: 10 necklaces for under $100

Hello lovely readers! This is the first post in a new (hopefully) weekly series called "etsy fridays." I tend to shop online um... a lot I would say. So I thought, why not share the results of my tireless efforts with my friends? I know I know, ya' welcome.
Those of you who know me know that I love me some jewels. I have way too much jewelry as it is but I just couldn't help myself this week and have been searching Etsy high and low for the perfect new necklace to add to my (already out of control) collection. My style changes what feels like daily, but I have always loved gold jewelry and big statement necklaces. Plus, I have a hard time saying no to a good deal. Check out my etsy finds from the week, all under $100! xoxo, whit

$36 via etsy 
(do it..)

1 comment:

  1. These are all adorable! I love the treat yo'self one - parks + rec references are always funny.
