Wednesday, January 11, 2012

happy new year!

What up 2012!? I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Although New Years Eve is not my favorite holiday, as it is historically not that tight, I always look forward to a new year and fresh start. I make resolutions every year, ever since I was a kid and old enough to understand the concept. One year I resolved to convince my parents to get me and my brother bunk beds. Success. Another year my resolution was to visit my grandma once every day; she lived right across the street so again, success. Um, needless to say... I am pretty good and this resolution stuff. Here are a few of my New Years Resolutions for 2012! Happy New Year!

get organized.
 1. Moleskin Classic Mini Ruled Notebook 2. Moleskin 2012 Color-A-Month Box Set, 3.Moleskin 2012 Mini Daily Planner
Typically, I am pretty good at organizing my schedule but lately I have been getting a little off track. I love Moleskin planners and notebooks because they come in so many great colors and a perfect sizes for organizing and scheduling when you're on the go. Also for organizing my life, below are two calendars I just need for for 2012. You know, to circle important dates and stuff.

keep in touch.

I have made this resolution before, and I will make it again. In 2012, I resolve to be better at staying in touch with my friends and family. You heard it here first. So don't be surprised if and when you see one of these adorable cards showing up in your mail box! On a similar note, I think, I mean I know that if I upgraded to an iPhone 4S I would just be so much better at the whole corresponding with my loved ones thing. And if I got one, I would totally make myself one of these super cute iPhone DIY cases! Good luck with all of your resolutions and as promised, you'll be hearing from me soon! 


  1. Just got an iPhone 4 and have been looking for the DIY cross stitch case - THANK YOU! My resolution for 2012: finish the Many Mini Things Blog design!

  2. jamie- you are the best and i love you! thanks!
