Wednesday, February 1, 2012

weekend snapshots: a day at the aquarium

Weekend snapshots just got real cute. Last weekend Miles took me to the Seattle Aquarium to visit the new baby sea otter! As you can see it is a tiny, two week old, adorable ball of fluff. So, needless to say, the place was packed! We had to wait in a line out the door and push our way through the crowds to get a look at the pup, but it was totally worth it. Plus, let's be honest, nothing was getting in the way of me seeing that little thing. The mom's name is Aniak, and the baby girl has to rest on her belly all day long until it is old enough to swim. The aquarium volunteers told us it wont be able to dive until it is about six weeks old because it is too fluffy and buoyant, it would just shoot right back up to the surface! Not surprising, that thing is so furry you can't tell which end is which! Once we broke free of the crowds surrounding the sea otters, we visited the equally adorable river otters and, one of my aquarium favorites, seahorses! After the crowded aquarium visit, a delicious burrito/beer combo was exactly what I needed. What a wonderful Seattle Saturday.

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